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 Jealousy; The Hottest Form Of Torture [ Task 1: Meg & Dimitri ]

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Join date : 2012-11-05

Jealousy; The Hottest Form Of Torture [ Task 1: Meg & Dimitri ] Empty
PostSubject: Jealousy; The Hottest Form Of Torture [ Task 1: Meg & Dimitri ]   Jealousy; The Hottest Form Of Torture [ Task 1: Meg & Dimitri ] EmptyFri Nov 23, 2012 5:24 pm


'A little to the left!' the brunette shouted from behind the camera, 'the le .. I said the left!' he lowered the camera away from his face and glared at the two models standing in front of him. They obviously weren't paying attention to him, 'too busy flirting with each other..' he mumbled to himself. Annoyed with how this photo shoot was going, he started playing with his camera as he tried to hear what they were saying.

'Wow, do you work out a lot?' the female model gushed at her partner as they posed for the camera with him holding her, 'a girl could definitely get used to feeling safe and warm in these arms,' she said as she looked down at the ground with a shy smile. She wasn't really into these couples photo shoots, she would much rather be modelling alone, but since the photographer asked for her specially she just couldn't resist .. Plus these were the perfect opportunities for her to do some harmless flirting with her handsome male partners.

'Well maybe after this you can come back to my place and I can show you just how good my workout routine is,' he said with a wink.

'Now that does sound like a plan ..' she said as she gazed longingly into his eyes. Oh how she loved the overconfident ones, it was always such a pleasure to see their reaction when she knocked them back so expertly.
As she felt his hands drift further down her back she suddenly heard a distinct lack of noise from the camera behind them.

'Are we done for the day, Dimitri?' she asked, taking a step back from her partner before he could grab at her as she looked towards the photographer. 'Dimitri?' she called a little louder, wondering if he could even hear her as she watched him do something with his camera.

'I heard you, Meg' he said sharply as he continued looking through the photos that he'd taken that day.

'So? Are we done or not?' Meg said impatiently as she placed a hand on her hip.

'I guess I have what I need ..' he said, .. anything so I can stop watching this sickening display, he thought as he walked over to the pair.

'Great!' the male model said as he clapped his hands together and looked towards Meg, 'so, how about we grab a drink .. then I can show you that workout?'

Dimitri rolled his eyes as the guy gave an exaggerated wink in Meg's direction.

'Before you go I just wanted to thank you for being a part of this ..' Dimitri said, he glanced over at Meg before putting a hand over his mouth and whispering to the guy, even though he knew she could still hear him, '.. and you know for not pitching a tent during .. I heard that you've delayed a few shoots for hours thanks to that little problem of yours.'

Meg snorted with laughter at Dimitri's comment and she couldn't help but let her eyes wander slowly down to his crotch as she tried to suppress her giggles.

'Don't worry about him,' she said as she tried to keep a straight face, 'how about we go for that ..'

'Sorry,' he interrupted, his face starting to go red as he backed away from them, 'I just remembered that I already have plans tonight.'

'Damn it, Dimitri, my free drink is getting away,' she said in annoyance as he disappeared from sight.

'Well I'm sorry for depriving you of a very special “workout session” but do you know how many girls that guy has been with in the last month?'

'Do you know how many guys I've been with in the last month?' she asked mockingly, she knew she flirted with a lot of guys but she never slept with any of them.

'You know I asked you to do this shoot because you're an amazing model, not so you could whore yourself off to every guy you meet,' he said as he felt his anger start to rise.

'So you think I'm a whore?!' she shouted at him, offended that he could say that about her. Since moving to Lincoln four years ago the only man she'd ever slept with was Dimitri and he knew that.

'I'm sorry for trying to save you from ..' he started sarcastically, ignoring her question.

'That's the thing Dimitri, I don't need saving by you or anyone else!' she shouted before storming off back to their apartment.


Meg slammed the front door behind her as she headed straight for their bedroom, too angry to care if their roommate was home or not. She heard the door open again as she disappeared inside the room.
He always did this, she didn't really want to be with anyone else but it's not like they'd ever talked about being girlfriend and boyfriend and to be honest she didn't think he was a committed and romantic kind of guy. But she always forgave him sooner or later ..

'Meg?' he called before appearing at the bedroom door.

'Go away Dimitri,' she said as she turned away from him to face the window, 'don't you have someone else's fun to ruin?'

'Don't you have some other guy to “workout” with?' he retorted angrily. Meg turned around and glared at him for a moment.

'You know what? Maybe I do!' she shouted, pushing past him as she tried to leave the room, but before she could get any further she felt his hand grab her wrist, pulling her back into the room. He pushed her forcefully against the wall, pinning her there with his hand keeping her wrists above her head. She was about to shout at him but before she could even open her mouth his lips were against hers.

Dimitri soon pulled back and stared at her, noting the lust in her eyes that only appeared after a heated argument. He let go of her suddenly, taking a few steps back towards the bed knowing that it would only be a matter of seconds before she followed him, smiling to himself when she did just that.

Meg reached up to kiss him as she let her hands wander underneath his shirt before pulling away and whispering in his ear, 'you know just how to make it all go away, don't you?' She smiled playfully at him before placing her hand on his chest and pushing him back onto the bed.
She stared at him, that same lust burning brightly in her eyes knowing that in that moment he was at her mercy. She unfastened her dress and it fell to her feet in one smooth motion. He watched her hungrily as she stood in her underwear, letting her hands glide slowly across her bare skin.
This is my favourite part .. she thought with a smile and soon enough both of their clothes were in a messy pile on the floor.


Panicked screams could be heard from the streets as a hoard of green bats ravaged the town, sending people running frantically as they tried to escape from being bitten and scratched by the hellish beings.
Through their open window it was obvious that there was something wrong, but the couple were oblivious to the chaos outside, not caring about anything but each other even as the sky bathed them in an eerie green glow.

Her breath tickled his ear as Meg moaned softly, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, pulling him as close to her as possible as they moved together. Dimitri left a trail of kisses along her neck before kissing her passionately on the lips, enjoying the feeling of her lips against his, unaware that an unwanted guest was sneaking through the window.
As he kissed her, Meg let her fingers drift down his back and up again, leaving small red marks as she pressed her nails against his skin. Dimitri smiled against her lips, biting her bottom lip playfully in return, the creature took this opportunity to scratch at them both simultaneously with one swipe of its claws before disappearing.

Suddenly Meg broke the kiss and roughly pushed Dimitri onto his back before sitting on top of him. He placed his hands against her hips as she continued to move against him, helping her move faster this time. Meg smirked slightly at his impatience, closing her eyes as she felt a dull pain run through her body as something changed within her. She could hear Dimitri moan loudly as he felt the same pain.
She slowly opened her eyes, did it suddenly get brighter in here? she thought, scanning the room quickly as she felt her senses start to run wild.
She stared down at Dimitri and as she watched him she noticed something appear on his skin. Small, throbbing lines filled with .. blood. Meg trailed her finger against one of them, feeling his pulse quicken at her touch. The mere thought of the red liquid that was pulsing through his veins made her lick her lips in anticipation and she soon found her teeth pressed deep into his skin, his warm blood flowing down her throat as a satisfied smile started to form on her lips.
Dimitri's eyes widened in surprise as he felt Meg suddenly bite into his neck, but after a few seconds the pain turned to pleasure and he moaned as they came together. The ecstasy they both felt in that moment caused them to collapse against each other, drops of blood slowly hitting the sheets underneath them as the bite marks on his neck slowly disappeared.
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Jealousy; The Hottest Form Of Torture [ Task 1: Meg & Dimitri ]
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